Agricultural Limestone
We sell, deliver and spread mined Agricultural Limestone and Dolomite organic soil amendment by the truckload throughout central and northern California.
- Limestone orders are delivered by end dump semi's or high side transfers when needed.
- Orders are processed within 24 hours of receipt.
Call us today for product pricing delivered to your location(s) (925) 822-5364
Sold by the truckload
Agricultural Limestone..........98%
Agricultural Dolomite............98.3%
How Limestone lowers soil pH

In order to select the correct application rate use a soil test to determine both the soil texture group and the current pH. As the percentage of clay in a soil increases, it requires proportionately more limestone to raise the pH. This means it is much harder to change the pH of clay soil than sandy soil.
How Does Limestone Help Your Soil?
Agricultural Limestone (Lime)
(also known as aglime or ag lime) is important for soil health by neutralizing the acidity, raising the pH level, and improving the availability and absorption of soil nutrients. Agricultural limestone also improves plant health by improving its cell-wall structure and increasing its resistance to disease and insects. Limestone is an important amendment to clay soils, which are subject to compaction, crack and crust over easily, and have reduced water penetration.
Agricultural Dolomite
(dolomitic limestone) is another form of agricultural limestone that contains more magnesium. Dolomitic lime is a preferable soil additive for sandy soils, which have large particles and are unable to hold magnesium or calcium minerals, and do not retain water.

Call Today for delivery pricing.
(925) 822-5364